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Brandon Johnson Again Caught Lying About Support for Extreme “Defund the Police” Movement

Photo Surfaces of Johnson Speaking in front of “Defund CPD” Banner at Rally

While Brandon Johnson insists that he “never said defund the police,” his strong embrace of the radical anti-police movement continues to become even more clear. Today, the Vallas campaign is releasing a photo that recently surfaced of Johnson speaking at a rally in January 2021 standing directly in front of a “Defund CPD” banner.

“Brandon Johnson must not think much of Chicago voters if he honestly believes that he can get away with continuing to lie to them about his clear, unequivocal support for defunding the police,” said Vallas campaign spokesman Phil Swibinski. “When pressed at a recent debate, Johnson said that his “thinking has not changed” from when he was a vocal supporter of defunding the police — the only thing that has changed is that now he’s running for Mayor and doesn’t want the voters to know about his radical, anti-law enforcement views.”

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